

Deviation Actions

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As Kaui was in class sleeping as he always does.  He sees the teacher with elf ears “teacher is there something wrong with you”?   “No why do you ask”? You have elf ears Ms. Yoshmay.  Kaui said to the teacher the class begins to laugh.  You an idiot Kaui the Boy said.  Shut up Brio Kaui argued back. Be quite the both of you Ms. Yoshmay said to the both of them.  “Now Kaui maybe if you stop sleeping in class maybe you could think for once”.   But being serious you have elf ears Ms Yoshmay says Kaui.  The bell rings the students are going home.  “Kaui what was with the outburst in class today” Ms Yoshmay asked.  I’m sorry when I woke up I saw you had elf ears.  Well do you Ms. Yoshmay? Well yes and I’m a lot younger too.  Yoshmay change into her true.  Wow Ms. Yoshmay you look a lot better then you were as our school teacher.  What’s that supposes to mean Kaui. I mean you look cuter Kaui says to calm her down.  Oh thanks you’re not so bad yourself.
That’s a lot coming form you Ms. Yoshmay.  Kaui outside of school just call me Riana okay Kaui. Alright Riana  what do we do now.  I think we can go help those in need. What I’m not helping anyone Kaui argues. You still in school Kaui I’m still the boss of you. Yes Maria Kaui says depressed. Now let’s go Kaui the world of fantasy and demons awaits says Riana with excitement. You’re not this cheerful during school hours Riana Kaui says looking surprised. That’s because this class in boring. But you teach this class. I know I teach the class but does anyone do anything else beside the same old thing every day. But were students what are supposed to do have fun? This school sucks it all away. We can fix it together me and you Kaui. Okay Riana I put you up to that. That’s the spirit Kaui but first we have to help return the others to their world. What world Kaui asked?  The park is the Gate between our worlds. And how is having them here a bad thing. If I don’t return them back to my world in less than a year then the god of my world will destroy both worlds. Why because nobody there to keep him seal away.
What can I do Riana?  You can help me by getting them all back. All of them Riana are you sure.  No just enough Kaui. Okay just checking.   Riana & Kaui leave school grounds the first thing we must do is find a friend of mine.  He will help us out with finding the 8 missing Sages. What are the eight sages Kaui asked? Why do you ask so many questions Kaui? Just wondering Riana. They head to a back alley what are we doing here Riana?  Getting advice from a friend. They see a cat in a trash can. Amy what are you doing in a trash can? Riana it’s a stray cat they always do that.  Hey I heard that the cat yelled out!  Amy I see your doing fine Riana commented Amy. Thanks Riana you too are doing well. Wait what is going on here you two know each other. Who is this guy Riana? Hes a friend of mine and is helping me save my world form burning into noting. Well he is cute Riana. Kaui get’s embarrassed can we drop the subject. Chill out Kaui were just playing around says Riana. Hey you need to relax like me. Your eating out of a trash can. I think we should go. They began to leave then   Amy garbs Kaui‘s Leg and starts purring. I like you Kaui you’re very funny. I don’t get it why don’t people take me serious anymore.  Hey Riana can I help you. With you mission? Sure of course you can. What she can’t come Kaui says piss off. Why not I’m very good spying and gathering. Kaui we need her so put whatever you have aside and let her join us. Fine Amy can come with us damn. Thank you Kaui you’re my best friend. Okay well welcome abroad Amy. Amy then begins to purr and Kaui picks her up. Now what do we do Riana?
Next we need to found the guy. What’s his name that’s something we need to found out?  Riana takes a deep breath his name is kanji my brother. Than let’s go get him says Kaui. Theirs a problem with that he’s in my world. Then we have to go the park right says Amy. Another problem with that the gate opens every New moon.
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